Made to Measure? The Biases and Boundaries of Biometrics
Wominjeka Theatre | Sat 15 Jan 4:40 p.m.–5:25 p.m.
Presented by
Lilly Ryan
Lilly Ryan is a penetration tester, digital security consultant, and public speaker who serves on the board of Digital Rights Watch. Lilly specialises in web application security, privacy education, and the history of technology-related issues, bringing these topics to an international audience. She believes in the power of consumer and tech worker action to help the technology industry better serve the people it affects.

Lilly Ryan
Smart devices have been permitted to measure many aspects of our everyday lives, from our browsing habits to our sleeping patterns. Many of us rely on smart watches to remind us to take a break from our desks and to count the number of steps we take in a day. People have even posted screenshots of their heart rates spiking as a record of the moment they were dumped.
With the inclusion of increasingly sensitive hardware into the devices we use, developers are able to build software that measures and predicts things about their users' bodies - but without a strong grounding in the ways that human measurements have been used and abused in a pre-smartphone era, we risk retreading some of the more sinister paths history has drawn us down.
This talk is your guide down some of the most misguided of these roads. You'll learn how the biometrics craze of the nineteenth century led to the development of phrenology, a pseudoscience that used the shape of the skull to justify everything from matchmaking to murder. You'll follow the echoes of this thinking through to the more recent past, where the ability to measure a human body in detail initially left the menstrual cycle out entirely and then swung hard the other way, allowing employers to buy access to live feeds of their employees' fertility planning. And you'll hear about what's happening now: of facial recognition systems that cover cities, of how employers have monitored locked-down employees as they work from home, and of the ethical frameworks that activists argue for compared to the ones companies adopt.
There's a lot that our bodies can tell us - but we need to learn how to draw out the right stories.
Smart devices have been permitted to measure many aspects of our everyday lives, from our browsing habits to our sleeping patterns. Many of us rely on smart watches to remind us to take a break from our desks and to count the number of steps we take in a day. People have even posted screenshots of their heart rates spiking as a record of the moment they were dumped. With the inclusion of increasingly sensitive hardware into the devices we use, developers are able to build software that measures and predicts things about their users' bodies - but without a strong grounding in the ways that human measurements have been used and abused in a pre-smartphone era, we risk retreading some of the more sinister paths history has drawn us down. This talk is your guide down some of the most misguided of these roads. You'll learn how the biometrics craze of the nineteenth century led to the development of phrenology, a pseudoscience that used the shape of the skull to justify everything from matchmaking to murder. You'll follow the echoes of this thinking through to the more recent past, where the ability to measure a human body in detail initially left the menstrual cycle out entirely and then swung hard the other way, allowing employers to buy access to live feeds of their employees' fertility planning. And you'll hear about what's happening now: of facial recognition systems that cover cities, of how employers have monitored locked-down employees as they work from home, and of the ethical frameworks that activists argue for compared to the ones companies adopt. There's a lot that our bodies can tell us - but we need to learn how to draw out the right stories.